Managing Design for Innovation
The 6 fundamental principles of design are : balance, proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast, and space.
When designing it is important to understand the complete picture. Ideas are great but a lot of ideas are beyond the technical and financial scope of the conceiver, all things are possible but consideration to functionality versus cost must be considered.
Following are basic steps and understanding of embarking on an embedded design. ED² works closely with their customers to ensure they understand the processes and requirements of their design.
Deciding the best methodology
Time versus cost is a critical concept for most projects, and depending on core values and desired outcome, an early choice to proceed on the design and project management methodology can be made. A simple waterfall approach can be made on designs that have proven technology and manufacturing method, where design risk could be considered low.
For projects with some unknown technical challenges that involve new innovation, the spiral methodology can be a better choice: